Thursday, November 24, 2011

Remembering Grandmom

Memories and blogs from three years ago, when I cared for my grandparents regularly. Grandmom passed away in in September.

 Grandmom said the other day as I was making breakfast, "Making coffee?"
"Yep" I replied.
"Oh, boy, that sounds like news!"

Conversation this morning:

Grandmom: "Your mom's always trying to get me to help her in the garden."
Me: "Oh, yeah, Grandmom?"
Grandmom: "Yep. I don't like it. Had to do it all the time when I was growing up."
Me: "Well, doncha think it's a good thing to grow your own food, 'stead of getting it from the store?"
Grandmom: "Hmph. I'll buy it."
Me (playfully): "Gee, that sounds pretty lazy, making somebody else grow all your food."
Grandmom: "Well it gives them somethin' to do!"


    Two men drove up to my grandparents' doublewide yesterday and told my unsuspecting Pop-pop that my dad had instructed them to pick up the two trailer tongues still sitting there in the yard (left there from their move in October). They proceded to load them up into their pickup truck (massive heavy things they are, too) and drive off. My dad never told anybody any such thing. Yes, folks, they were stolen right out from under our noses. We did want them hauled off, but not by crooks! They're probably worth a good little bit as scrap metal. But there you are. What could Pop-pop have done anyway? Sicked Grandmom on 'em? :D She's feisty, but not that feisty. :)
    The funny part was, at the dinner table discussing the matter, my sister concluded with, "So somebody just stole our tongues!" and Grandmom erupted into laughter. She just went on and on. With a mouthful of food. :) (The latter was what really got the rest of the table laughing.) Whatever jokes she never does get, she sure got that one! :)

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